Microsoft Markdown

.Microsoft Word แสดงว่า Markdown เป็นสิ่งที่ดี นอกจากนี้ยังรองรับแอปพลิเคชั่นเว็บที่หลากหลายเช่น Tumblr, Wiki บางรายการและอื่น ๆ.

Hi, Is there any intent to add markdown support in Outlook? I think it would be extremely helpful as so much easier to type emails and format it accordingly. Cara Download Dokumen Dropbox Paper Menjadi Microsoft Word/Markdown - Jadi kamu bisa menyimpan dokumen tersebut ke flashdisk ataupun mencetaknya.

Markdown Edit is a smart and powerful editor for markdown language. The latter is a simplified scripting language for more intuitive HMTL code creation. The program has a neat and simple interface with a dual window that enables real time live previewing of input and output formats. It provides many smart scripting aids such as syntax highlighting, snippets, drag and drop text and image into the code, multiple keyboard shortcuts and commands and many more. It has a rich array of configuration options and settings such as word wrap, remember cursor position, show scrollbars, show spaces, open last file, auto save, spell checking, ignore all caps, ignore markup tags and many more.a


- Full-featured Markdown editor for Windows.
- Emphasis on content and keyboard shortcuts.
- Syntax highlighting and spell checking.
- Dual window for real time live preview.
- Real time (WYSIWYG) HTML code editing.
- Drag and drop images and text files.
- Smart snippets and word binding.
- Minimal interface with plenty of configurations.
- Assign keyboard shortcuts to many commands.

System Requirements

- 800 MHz central processing unit.
MarkdownMicrosoft markdown editor- 128 Mb RAM memory or more.
Microsoft- 86 Mb free hard disk space.
- 32 Bit or 64 Bit hardware architecture (x86 or x64).
- Operating system MarkdownWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Microsoft Markdown Viewer

Installer: MSI