*** This nine-minute film is the pinnacle of 2020's Oscar-nominated animated shorts. But if Opera tells us anything, beware of pinnacles. Patient and haunting, Erick Oh's conceptual film comprises one drooping pan down a pyramid-bound society, and then one pan back up. Resembling a pagoda in some areas and a spectral Richard Scarry illustration in others, the structure is populated by thousands of minuscule and identical beings, but their boundaries are clear: a ruling force at the top, undergirded by intellectual and professional strata with laborers at the bottom. Best seen on a 100-foot screen or with your nose 6 inches from your TV, Opera is intensely allegorical, though it's difficult to pin down for what exactly. The castes, exploitations and cyclical violence found in most every modern civilization? No answer seems too big. Whatever the inspiration, Opera is a technical stunner. A viewer could watch it 10 consecutive times and snatch some new fleck of detail from, say, the second box on the left, seven levels down. The macro-simplicity of countless stick figures milling around a triangle only enhances the themes as ambitious as Mother! and disturbed as Brazil. NR. CHANCE SOLEM-PFEIFER. Cinema 21, Hollywood, Virtual Cinema.
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The Dark Side of Discord, Your Teen’s Favorite Chat App Its private gaming communities can be like unsupervised playgrounds, full of racist memes, vulgar talk and bullying. Discord: Industrial Opera. Discord is an Industrial Opera band based in Kansas City.
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Discord History Tracker v.31 Release Notes. Discord History Tracker is a browser script that lets you locally save chat history in your servers, groups, and private conversations. When the script is active, it will load history of the selected text channel up to the first message, and let you download it for offline viewing in your browser.